US Army Special Operations Combat Experience Based Firearms Training, Tactical Training and K9 Training. Traveling the Country Training Law Abiding Citizens, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies
Be 1% Better everyday


North Carolina based War HOGG Tactical conducts firearms training, tactical training and K9 training to law enforcement agencies, military units and law abiding citizens. Traveling the United States instructing from 29 years of US Army Special Operations Combat experience and SOF K9 hander as well as teaching experience from being a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course (SFAUC) Cadre

2025 War HOGG Tactical Firearms Training Courses
More Courses coming soon, make sure you are signed up for our newsletter to be the first to know

Upcoming Firearms Training Courses in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Pennsylvania
To Learn More About The War HOGG Tactical, Project Officer Survival FREE Law Enforcement Firearms Training with Red Dot Pistol Training, Supported by Aimpoint, Safariland, Walther, Grizzly Targets and Propper, Read The Safariland Cadre Blog

On The Range Podcast is for the law enforcement officer, military service members, and law abiding citizens interested in making themselves 1 % Better Everyday.
We feature a wide range of guests and topics including firearms training, personal development, accountability, current events and more!
Bi-Monthly Interactive Zoom Call Content
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100 Plus Videos on Firearms Training, Reviews, K9 Training, Tactical Training and more!
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"CREW" Member North Carolina Range Day Shooting Event

War HOGG Tactical travels the country conducting firearms training and tactical training in states like North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Tennessee and Pennsylvania. Make sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on our upcoming firearms training courses.
We Also Provide Private & Customizable Firearms Training and Tactical Training Courses
The Firearms Training Notebook: 1%Better Everyday
Bring efficiency and effectiveness to your firearms training with "The Firearms Training Notebook", created by life-long friends Rick Hogg and Mark Kelley. Rick and Mark spent the last 3 decades in the military, law enforcement and firearms industry. They understand the importance of proper firearms training for all law-abiding gun owners. Noticing a proper shooting notebook did not exist they knew they needed to fill that gap.
To have a successful training session you must have a plan. You need to collect valuable tangibles from both live and dry fire training, "The Firearms Training Notebook" is a quick and easy way to do so.

Experience not Theory
Rick Hogg is the owner of North Carolina based War HOGG Tactical, Inc. and is a 29 year US Army Special Operations Combat Veteran and Special Operations Forces (SOF) K9 Handler that has taken his 13 combat deployment, both Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat (SFAUC) instructor and harnessed them into an experience based firearms and tactical training company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc.
War HOGG Tactical, Inc was born in 2002 when my Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat students returned from Afghanistan and said "That stuff you taught me saved my life!"
If you are looking to enhance your firearms skills to defend yourself or your family, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to learn more.