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Articles Written About Our Firearms Training Courses

In this section we have articles that authors have written about our red dot pistol courses and firearms training drills.


Red Dot Pistol with War HOGG
by Travis Pike

Overall I learned a ton in the course. The biggest improvement I’ve seen in my own performance is my presentation. I used Rick’s method and my presentation is almost always perfect now. This has reduced my time to first shot on target significantly.


The 5 Shot Drill From War HOGG by Travis Pike

They say you don’t know what you don’t know, and I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know about handgun red dots until I took the War Hogg pistol red dot class. It upped my game and gave me a ton of new things to practice and train with.

Fixing Big Thumb not activating a slide lock

Big Thumbs and Slide Locks – A Curse by Travis Pike

In about five seconds, he altered my grip and had my support hand just slightly change its position on the grip. Suddenly, the slide lock worked for me.

Rick Hogg consulting for Cobalt Kinetics Rifles

Training to improve - 24 October 2018

Liberty_Report_Banner Training to improve with rick hogg of war hogg tactical

Firearms Training Articles Written by
War HOGG Tactical


Fitness & Firearms

Is your fitness and firearms training two separate training events? It does not have to be. Some things need to be in place, but incorporating these two critical tasks is important to your overall self-defense training program.


Gauge Your Marksmanship with the War HOGG Self Eval

Do you have a drill that test your marksmanship and gun handling skills? The War HOGG Self Eval is a perfect drill to test numerous different marksmanship and gun handling skills while capturing 12 pieces of critical data for The Firearms Training Notebook. This data will assist you in developing your dry fire training plan.


Improve Your Marksmanship Training with a range plan

Ask yourself this question, “Do I have a marksmanship plan for my next range session?” For most people, the answer is no. We have a plan when we go to the gym, but why not a plan to enhance our ability to defend ourselves or our family?

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