Pistol Shooting Drill - How To Add Realism to Your Firearms Training and understanding shot placement and stopping power.
Adding Realism to your range training is something you should do as much as possible. The why is very simple, if you are ever in a deadly force situation, your threat will not be made of cardboard. Understanding shot placement and stopping power is critical in a self defense situation.
In every War HOGG Tactical course, I have the students bring out old t-shirts. As a finishing point to the training, we place t-shirts over their targets. I let the students shoot the drill with no instruction on where to aim.
About half way through the drill, I stop them, let the students look at their target. What I typically see is shots down low be cause they are shooting "center mass". I then give them some critical information on where to aim and watch their shots move to a better shot placement location. This should be something that is incorporated in to a self defense and law enforcement firearms training program.
In the video above, I give a full demonstration of how adding this little bit of realism to your firearms training could help save your life in a deadly force encounter.
Let me know what you are doing to add realism to your firearms training?
If you are ready to take your shooting skills to the next level, join us in one of our courses for personalized instruction and expert coaching via combat experience.
Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more training videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/WarHOGGTacticalInc
The Firearms Training Notebook
Ensure you have a firearms training plan when conducting your marksmanship training program. The Firearms Training Notebook is a tool to record your data, see where you need to improve on your marksmanship or gun handling skills and develop a plan to Be 1% Better Everyday with your firearms.
“The Firearms Training Notebook” Available on Amazon - https://amzn.to/3TcCT56
Train Hard, Stay Safe and see you “On The Range” - Rick
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“In Honor of Duco” Project - https://www.scottswish.org/in-honor-o...
“In Honor of Duco” Loop Leash available at https://www.warhogg.com/product-page/...
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Rick Hogg is the owner of War HOGG Tactical, Inc. and is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran, as well as an SOF K9 handler, that has taken his 13 combat deployment, both Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat (SFAUC) instructor and harnessed them into a combat proven techniques training company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc.
Veteran owned, War HOGG Tactical, Inc. a North Carolina firearms training company that travels the country teaching firearms training, tactical training and K9 training to civilians, military and law enforcement agencies teaching through combat proven techniques and experience to improve students marksmanship proficiency. War HOGG also conducts product development and product field testing along with a variety of consulting services in the defense, firearms and entertainment / film industry.
War HOGG Tactical also offers free law enforcement firearms training via Project Officer Survival with support from our industry partners. If you are interested in hosting a free law enforcement training course send us an email for more info.
If your agency is looking for red dot pistol law enforcement firearms training reach out to us to set up some training dates.
Save with our Industry Partners
Aimpoint - https://www.aimpoint.com/
Use NEW Aimpoint discount code warhogg1224 to save with Aimpoint
Shooting Targets USA - https://shootingtargetsusa.com/
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