What items should I have for my everyday carry? This conversation amongst the concealed carry or everyday carry (EDC) community can be anything from just your pistol to carry the kitchen sink, just in case of that worse case scenario should arise. Some will say you need a spare mag, others say a tourniquet, at the end of the day you know your situation better than anyone else. My intent is to give you a little into my thought process for EDC.
During a War HOGG Tactical course, when I am teaching my students about how to think about EDC, I break it down into 4 groups so it’s a little less overwhelming.
1. Pistol and holster
2. Clothing
3. Belt
4. Accessories.
This way it gives you a checklist to make sure you are equipped the best way for your situation. I also stress to my students the need to dry fire with their concealed firearm and clothing. This is part of my dry and live fire regiment. I am also using The Firearms Training Notebook to track my progress in my concealed carry firearms training. This allows me to know that all my different clothing is functional, and I can see the improvement in my EDC marksmanship.
We also have an instructional video from Panteao Productions that can be a supplement to your concealed carry training.

dry fire before buying if possible
Unfortunately, we live in an ecommerce world, where a lot of people are not going to stores. Whenever you purchase a new piece of clothing make sure you are dry firing to make sure there is no potential issues with getting that handgun out as efficient and effective as possible.
My wife had purchased me an insulated shirt that had pockets on the side. I was super excited for the new shirt but found a major flaw in the dry fire test. The pockets had some attaching tabs that were a draw hazard. I had one of two choices, not wear it for my EDC or cut the tabs and remove the snag hazard. I opted to cut the tabs, now I have a great cool weather EDC shirt.
PISTOL & Holster
Your pistol and holster are the foundation of your everyday carry. You want to find a pistol holster comb that is comfortable for you to wear for possibility hours on end. If your pistol holster is not comfortable than you are probably not going to carry on your body. Your ability to deal with a threat will be increased due to your off body option. The other part that a lot of people don’t address is the training aspect. If you are going to carry concealed for self-defense than you must put the time in to train! Using The Firearms Training Notebook, gives you a tool to record your data on the different types of clothing you wear.
I am currently carrying a Walther PDP F-Series 4 inch barrel with an Aimpoint ACRO, loaded with 147 grain Speer Gold Dot, holstered in a Carey Concealment holster
I approach clothing from a top to bottom aspect.
Let’s start with your head, sunglasses during the day but what about night, especially in your vehicle. Do you swap to some clear eye pro just in case you have to fight from your vehicle? What about a ball cap? A ball cap could be used to help with your identification if you have called 911 and reported the incident.
Shirts – When you are looking at shirts and jackets there are a lot of options to consider. First size, both in normal size ie large, extra-large, but also the length of the shirt. I have some shirts that the tail is too long or tight at the waist area and does not allow for the most efficient draw from concealment.

Pants – I want my pants to offer me full movement when I am carrying concealed. I don’t want to be restricted because the waist is too tight when I add my holster. I like pants that have additional pockets but don’t want something the screams “Tactical”. Typically when I find a brand or brands, I stick with them because I know the work.
Rain Jackets – These can be tricky because of how much rain protection they offer. If the rain jacket is too long and zipped up, it becomes very difficult to get quick access to your firearm.
Winter Clothing – With winter clothing the layers become the overwhelming issue trying to get to your firearm, you may also be wearing gloves. You must figure out the best method with the clothing you have to be able to get to your firearm if needed. Dry fire will help you figure out your winter clothing layering method.
Shoes – I’m looking for a quality close toe shoe or boot. Something that I can run in, if need be, and offers good traction regardless of the surface.
I include the belt as its own categories because I fell it’s one of the most overlooked parts of your EDC. There are numerous different kinds of belts on the market and some people go with what they have in the closet. Your belt needs to securely hold your pistol when drawing from the holster. The other part is your belt helps hold your pistol close to your body and help you to avoid “printing”. Printing is when your shirt has an outline of your handgun, now to the wise eye, people know you are carrying concealed. I am currently using a Kore Essentials EDC ratchet belt. I like this belt because of the ease of being able to adjust the belt depending on my location. For example I can loosen it in my vehicle for comfort, then tighten back up before I exit my vehicle.

This is an area that can open pandora’s box and in my opinion some people take this to the extreme. I’m going to cover the accessory items I carry, at the end of the day feel free to carry those items appropriate for your self-defense situation. My folding pocketknife that had both a straight and serrated blade with a window punch. My phone, and my wallet with cash. There have been times that the credit card machine has been down, but you need gas or food, always carry some cash on you for those emergency situations. Since my pistol does not have a light attached, to do carry a flashlight depending on the situation and time of day. If you are going to carry a tourniquet make sure you are training with that as well. Nothing worse than needing to stop the bleed and your tourniquet is still in the plastic or you don’t know how to use it.
Bags – There are all different types of bags to carry off body carry your firearm, or just carry additional accessories, and even body armor. I am not a fan of off body carry; I believe you open yourself up to not having the access to your firearms when you need it. However, I do like the ability to have added items and armor if need be. I understand there is a time and place, they key thing is you must train that off body acquisition of your firearm.
You can go to our Industry Partners page for discount codes on most the products mentioned in this article.

The aftermath of a deadly force encounter could have legal ramifications, weather criminal or civil. A company we use for our legal protection is US Law Shield. US Law Shield offers 24/7/365 live access to a world-class self-defense attorney. This is something you need to research, especially in this crazy world where surviving family members are apt to sue you for defending yourself or you are facing criminal prosecution.
At the end of the day, you must choose what are the appropriate items to carry for your self-defense needs. Every location and situation is going to be unique. Do your homework, dry fire at home, have a plan, and rehearse possible deadly force scenarios, so that you come home to your family.
Train Hard, Stay Safe and see you On The Range – Rick
Save with our Industry Partners
Aimpoint - https://www.aimpoint.com/
Use NEW Aimpoint discount code warhogg1224 to save with Aimpoint
Panteao Productions - Use the discount code Warhogg30 to save 30% off the normal Make Ready TV Annual Streaming Subscription of $99.99. Now just pay $69.99 for a year of unlimited access to Panteao’s Make Ready streaming service at https://www.makeready.tv/en/
Vertx - Vertx is all about helping you find a solution for your apparel and gear needs, no matter the situation you’re in. Use code OTR to save 20% at https://vertx.com/
Oakley SI - If you are looking for the ultimate eye wear look no further than Oakley SI, use code warhogg15 to save an additional 15% with Oakley SI - https://www.oakleysi.com/en-us
Premier Body Armor - Premier Body Armor provides complete body armor systems to defend against threats including handguns, shot guns, and high-powered rifles. We are headquartered in Gastonia, North Carolina and all our products are proudly made in the USA. Use code RICK68 to save 10% at https://premierbodyarmor.com/
Kore Essentials - If you are looking for a concealed carry belt that offers super easy sizing adjustments look at the Kore Essentials EDC ratchet belt. Use code warhogg10 to save with Kore - https://www.koreessentials.com/
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Rick Hogg is the owner of War HOGG Tactical, Inc. and is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran, as well as an SOF K9 handler, that has taken his 13 combat deployment, both Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat (SFAUC) instructor and harnessed them into a combat proven techniques training company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc.
Veteran owned, War HOGG Tactical, Inc. a North Carolina firearms training company that travels the country teaching firearms training, tactical training and K9 training to civilians, military and law enforcement agencies teaching through combat proven techniques and experience to improve students marksmanship proficiency. War HOGG also conducts product development and product field testing along with a variety of consulting services in the defense, firearms and entertainment / film industry.
War HOGG Tactical also offers free law enforcement firearms training via Project Officer Survival with support from our industry partners. If you are interested in hosting a free law enforcement training course send us an email for more info.