US Army Special Operations Combat Experience Based Firearms Training, Tactical Training and K9 Training. Traveling the Country Training Law Abiding Citizens, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies
Be 1% Better everyday
2 Day Concealed Carry Pistol
Available spots
Service Description
The War HOGG Tactical 2 Day Pistol Course The War HOGG Tactical 2 Day Concealed Carry Pistol course is not a pistol permit class. It is designed to provide the shooter who carries concealed with a red dot sight pistol or iron sights, with solid drills & skills for their every day carry pistol based on proven special operations combat & law enforcement experience/training methods and to take your skills to the next level. Students can expect to get over 200 draws from concealment over the 2 days. I recommend buying my Concealed Carry DVD before the class. Topics covered include: Safety Equipment selection & set up Handgun marksmanship Handgun manipulations (draws, reloads & malfunctions) Combat mindset Multi target Indexing Dynamic Shooting Drills Gear requirements: Pistol (preferably in at least 9MM) Sturdy strong side holster (No blackhawk serpa - exceptions for armed professionals who are issued a serpa for duty use, cross draw, ankle or shoulder holsters) 800 PISTOL ROUNDS a minimum of 3 magazines (5 is better) Magazine pouch that will retain magazine when moving Weapon lube and maintenance tools Ear protection (electronic preferred) Eye protection Old T-shirt that can be shot Clothing must be able to perform during strenuous physical activity. We will be training in all weather conditions so pack accordingly. Optional but recommended: Ball cap Sunblock/bug spray Lunch/Water/snacks

Contact Details
Wagram Sportsman Association, Wagram, NC, USA