US Army Special Operations Combat Experience Based Firearms Training, Tactical Training and K9 Training. Traveling the Country Training Law Abiding Citizens, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies
Be 1% Better everyday
Sponsorship Opportunities For
Project Officer Survival
Our Project Officer Survival training events are a great opportunity to give back to law enforcement officers while helping your marketing and sales efforts.

Propper International supporting a Project Officer Survival course where they provided each student clothing for the training day. They we also able to gather media content for both their website and social platforms
A Unique Marketing Opportunity and Product Education While Supporting Law Enforcement
Of course, we’re not doing this alone. We’re reaching out to companies in and out of the firearms industry, who share our passion and mission to support law enforcement officers. Through this cooperation, we’re able to provide critical law enforcement firearms training courses at no cost to the participants while supporting your marketing and sales objectives.
Sponsorship Opportunities

2 Day Training Sponsor - $9000
These 2 day courses will train approximately 24-32 officers depending on the size of the range. The "events" are two part. Part 1 is training our law enforcement officers. Part 2 is the vendors on site. Your marketing team can let potential customers in the area know you are there and come out and try your products
Promoted to all warhogg.com platforms
Guest of "On The Range" Podcast
Company mention in our newsletter

1 Day Training Sponsor - $5000
This one day course will train between 12-16 officers depending on the range available. Supporting a course give you tremendous marketing opportunity. Beside your company supporting law enforcement officers, all students agree to be videoed and photographed
Location of your choosing
Shared media and tagged on social
Featured “On The Range” Podcast

Partner Sponsor - $2,500
The sponsor sponsor is a great way to partner with another company to
Distribution of company literature and products
Company mention on numerous episodes of the podcast
Free vendor table

Support Sponsor - $1,000
Support sponsor get a vendor or live demo table at the event they are supporting.
Free vendor table
Company mention during "On The Range" Podcast

Live Fire Demo Range - $500
When available we will offer a live fire demo bay where potential customers can use your latest products.

Vendor Table - $500
Vendors are always welcome at our training events to set up a table. Invite local agencies out to the range to check out your newest products

The Firearms Training Notebook for 12 Students Sponsor - $250
The Firearms Training Notebook is a critical peice of our training courses. The officers are able to gather shooting data throughout the course and start to build that back home training peice.

Prize Donation Sponsor
We gladly accept prize donations to award to our students after the course based on their performance after the shooting under physical duress event
Sponsorship Opportunities