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War HOGG Tactical firearms training North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania

Firearms Training and Tactical Training

The Firearms Training Notebook

Every student will receive a copy of The Firearms Training Notebook. We will use it throughout all of our course to collect data and give you a tool to take home to continue to make yourself 1% Better Everyday in your firearms training journey.


Improve Your Marksmanship with The Firearms Training Notebook Be 1% Better Everyday by War HOGG Tactical and Kelley Defense
War HOGG Tactical conducts firearms training in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and Pennsylvania

If you have attened one of our course, please leave us a review. Thank You!

Google review for War HOGG Tactical
War HOGG Tactical conducts firearms training in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and Pennsylvania

 2025 Firearms Training and Tactical Training Courses 

The Tactical Hyve reviews
the War HOGG 2 day
pistol course

One Handed Shooting for the K9 Officer project Officer Survival day 1 2023.jpeg

Insight to one of our course
Justin Melnick take time to podcast with us after attending our One Handed Pistol Shooting for the K9 Officer

Listen to On The Range Podcast with war hogg tactical and kelley defense
Listen to On The Range Podcast with War HOGG tactical and kelley defense on spotify
Justin Melnick Guest of On The Range Podcast with Rick War HOGG Tactical and Mark Kelley Defense
Red Dot Pistol Course for Law Enforcement by War HOGG Tactical

Review of our
War HOGG Tactical
Law Enforcement
Red Dot Pistol Course

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