US Army Special Operations Combat Experience Based Firearms Training, Tactical Training and K9 Training. Traveling the Country Training Law Abiding Citizens, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies
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overview of War hogg tactical firearms Training VideosÂ
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This video section is broken down into different topics. We have a section on Vehicle Tactics, Shooting Drills for a Red Dot Pistol, Functional Fitness, K9 Training and more to come so check back regularly.
There is also exclusive content on our Patreon page, make sure to check it out at
Dynamic Red Dot Pistol Shooting Drill - War HOGG V Drill
War Dogg Duco Fetches a Rifle for 5.11 Tactical
In this video Combat Assault Dog Duco and Rick Hogg work with 5.11 Tactical to fetch a rifle to replicate the action by Boomer in the video game Far Cry 5
War HOGG Tactical - Shooting From Inside A Vehicle Through a Windshield
How To Climb A Rope

Rick has made numerous instructional video titles with Panteao Productions for Make Ready TV
Concealed Carry
Law EnforcementÂ

Pistol Training
2 Pack
Practice 2
Inside Story
Bourbon, Cigars,Guns
Combat Carbine
Be 1% Better
Shooting Steel
Product Reviews

It's Your Duty Walther
Performance Duty Pistol (PDP)
Training Videos
Law EnforcementÂ
Performance Pistol On Steel
Make Ready With The Experts Podcast
Patrol Rifle / Carbine
Taurus G-Series Pistols

Over View of the Archon Firearms Type B

Range Workout with Brute Force Sandbag

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Train Hard, Stay Safe and see you "On The Range"

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