US Army Special Operations Combat Experience Based Firearms Training, Tactical Training and K9 Training. Traveling the Country Training Law Abiding Citizens, Military and Law Enforcement Agencies
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This section contains some of the video podcast the Rick Hogg of War HOGG Tactical has been a guest on

The University of Badassery
Ep. 17: “All Things Dogs” with Rick Hogg
In this special “spotlight” episode, Mac and C. J. sit down with Rick Hogg of War Hogg Tactical to discuss “All Things Dogs.”
This is to help you better understand your dog’s behavior and how to create a greater relationship between you and your dog, so you both can live a better life.
Rick spent his career in U.S. Army Special Forces with many years handling the K9 element. Rick is an experienced dog handler, BUT Rick, Mac, and C. J. are talking about being responsible dog owners, not training service or protection dogs.

University Of Badassery
Episode 8 with Rick Hogg (Special Forces Vet)
C. J. and Mac are joined on Veteran’s Day by Special Forces veteran, Rick Hogg, of War Hogg Tactical to discuss veterans, Vietnam, growing up in the 70s and 80s, mindset, music, life, raising kids, and more. Rick also provides great insight to the military use of dogs since Rick handled K9s in his special operations unit. And of course, Rick joins in on the Q&A!

SOF K9 Memorial Service 2018
Rick was the guest speaker for the 2018 SOF K9 Memorial Service.

A-TACS TEAMROOM Podcast Ep 4–Rick Hogg of War Hogg Tactical
In this episode of A-TACS TEAMROOM PODCAST, A-TACS Camo's Clint Hoover sits down with Rick Hogg, Owner of War Hogg Tactical as they discuss their backgrounds, Rick's new video with Panteo Productions, some new gear from C2R Fast and more!
This episode is to commemorate the 30 Year Anniversary of the first Gulf War, Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.
Rick Hogg and Mark Kelley served in the same Platoon and they detail their involvement in the conflict, providing insight into what the grunts of the 1st BN 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne got up to. This was a full-scale conventional war between a brutal dictator, his Army and the World. The War started with a 41-day bombing campaign, over 250,000 coalition soldiers were involved with enemy losses between 30,000 and 50,000 troops.

Stew and The Nunn -Episode #222 with Rick Hogg

Be Ready, Be Prepared, Be Trained with Rick Hogg from WarHogg Tactical
Topics of Discussion in this episode: - Airsoft Guns as a supplemental training tool - Open / Concealed Carry + The willingness to take a life in the time of need - Gun rights and restrictions in other Western Nations - Coronavirus and the effects on business / the community - Military service and the K9 Unit

FLEXX Mobility and Performance
Episode 10: Faith, Fitness & Firearms with Special Guest Rick Hogg from War HOGG Tact
TACTICAL PODCAST # 16 Richard Hogg of Warhogg Tactical
In todays episode we are jpined by former Special Forces Operator Richard Hogg. Richard is CEO and Founder of Hogg Tactical. A North Carolina based tactical company doing big things, Richard has a very solid understanding of what it takes to forge warriors and make sure that you come out of a bad situaion alive.

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